Here you can choose to contribute to the CubToken Ecosystem by adding liquidity to your ETH/CUBT pairs within our Qualified DEX platforms, or you can simply swap ETH for CUBT and HODL. Also you may choose to download a VPN and sign up at to purchase CUBT from CubToken's first Official CEX Partnership!

Email if you are interested in listing, or becoming a CubDex liquidity partner. Welcome to marketing the process of Decentralization! CubDex is now available! 

Thunder Farm CubToken

Yield Farm Open: The CubTeam is very excited to annouce yield farming is now open and available to the CubForce community! Click below.

LIVE is CubTeams exclusive partner. Both Teams have decided to collabortate and take the CubToken Project beyond Neptune!

CubToken Latoken IEO in Progress!

Number Speaks










CubToken is proud to join the MintMe Team!

CubToken is now on MintMe Click below to trade. 

New On DODO Dex


New On Capital Dex



Meet CubToken's Featured NFT Is CubToken's home base platform for producing collections of solutions based NFT marketing Channels. Soon CubTeam will be launching CubToken.NFT where the CubForce Community will gain the privilege to Self Mint their Own NFTs.

Go Solar Cub

What Early CubToken Holders Have To Say

Love the CubToken, the team keeps producing solid educational information among the community!
Kelvin Black
From Dallas, USA
I cant wait to see the holders get to 10k, 100k, I believe the CubToken Project will be the first 10million holder project! Super stoked to get in at such an early stage.
Zasha Swan
From Australia
I heard about the NFT game, that is going to be pretty cool. Good Job.
Frank Jones
From Japan
The founder walks into the office and pulls up on my desktop then proceeds to explain his teams long term vision. I was more than happy to buy CUBT, cant wait to see what the future brings these creative geniuses!
Jack Brownn
From Florida, USA

Legal Description of Crowdfunding and The CubToken Ecosystem is an online crowdfunding platform that allows people to support projects and businesses related to the CubToken ecosystem. The CubToken asset and its supporters are integral to the CubDex exchange, which offers a platform for trading and exchanging various digital assets.

The CubToken asset functions as a trading vehicle, representing the value of a project or business and its associated tokens. The project and its associated tokens, as well as other digital assets listed on CubDex, are independent of the CubToken asset. The CubToken asset does not have an ownership stake in the projects or businesses and does not have any voting rights.

CubToken and its supporters, however, are essential to the success of the projects listed on CubDex. The supporters provide liquidity to the exchange, enabling the projects to raise funding and, in turn, create value for the asset. By supporting the projects listed on CubDex, the supporters of the CubToken asset also benefit as the value of the asset increases in value along with the project.

It is also important to note that CubToken and its supporters are not responsible for any losses incurred by investors trading on the CubDex exchange. CubToken and its supporters do not guarantee any returns or profits made on the CubDex exchange and are not responsible for the performance of any of the projects or businesses listed on the platform.

Ultimately, is a platform for crowdfunding, trading and exchanging digital assets that is separate from the CubToken asset and its supporters. By supporting the projects and businesses listed on CubDex, the supporters of the CubToken asset benefit as the value of the asset increases in value along with the project.